The scary Midnight Estates neighborhood has finally opened its doors to visitors. Look for the portal at spawn; you cannot miss it!
This ghastly place which we all built together now houses the most curious inhabitants, and they need your help! In almost every house you will find a villager to confront you with a quest, or challenge, or other task. Playing the games costs a diamond per try, but the rewards are worth it!
Use your Magic Map to hunt down red X’s around the place, in order to complete as many games as you can until Halloween. There are 66 total, so better get busy!

Many of the games revolve around musical instruments. You may have already got one from the Bingo event. If not, you can purchase more in exchange for Fancy Halloween Tokens, which you can get from other games.
The rewards are different for each game. There are different kind of tokens. The fancy ones can be traded near the entrance. The regular ones will become useful once the Mob Arena opens up! You can repeat once completed games in order to earn more Halloween Candy, which can be traded for tokens.