Dust of your outdoors building skills and join us in the Spring Valley build event! We want to transform this scenic area into a world to augment the spawn area with, so we can hang out in there and host various events during the upcoming springtime.

When 22:00 CET
Where Cavetale Creative
Think of what to build: Flower gardens, treehouses, gazebos. Anything that fits within the season is fair. Think of our activities: We always host events at spawn, and many of them can use a good place. Extreme Grass Growing, King of the Ladder, King of the Ring, they all have a designated area at spawn, and could have one in our Spring Valley.
– Stay within the theme
– No griefing or trolling with ugly builds
– No explosives or lava
– No excessive entities, falling blocks, or redstone

Once the event goes live, you join via the warp and click the button.
– Type /warp build
– Click the button
– Requirement: member rank
Special thanks: Andrenidae for preparing the build world.