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Five mytems in a Cavetale Dungeon chest; a Kitty Coin, an Enderball, a Gold Coin, several Silver Coins, and several Oak Nut Seeds.
Mytems are custom-made items unique to Cavetale to enhance your experience on the server. A random mytem is guaranteed to drop from a Bonus Chest in the Daily Game, can be found at varying degrees of rarity in Cavetale Dungeon chests, and are regularly featured as the centerpiece of weekend event kits.
List of Mytems
There are over 100 custom items on Cavetale. For the sake of brevity, this list will cover those featured in the Daily Game and in the Cavetale Dungeon loot pool.
- Bingo Bukkit – A three-tiered bucket that can contain multiple water source blocks.
- Captain’s Cutlass – A sword that deals little damage, but can launch enemies.
- Coin – A token, copper, silver, gold, diamond, or ruby, that can be deposited into your bank account and is worth 10, 100, 1,000, 10,000, or 100,000 coins respectively.
- Colorfall Hourglass – Tells the time. Can be exchanged to tell the temperature, weather, or moon cycle.
- Copper Spleef Shovel – A three-tiered shovel with unlockable upgrades to dig faster, in a winder radius, and more.
- Deflector Shield – A three-tiered shield that can be upgraded to return projectiles to their shooter.
- Dividers – A building tool which can be used to plot circles and angles.
- Empty Watering Can – A two-tiered container to grow crops in a wide radius.
- Enderball – A dragon egg which can be kicked instead of teleporting.
- Hasty Pickaxe – A four-tiered pickaxe with unlockable upgrades to mine faster, in a wider radius, break normally unbreakable blocks, and more.
- Iron Scythe – A two-tiered tool to harvest and automatically replant crops in a wide radius.
- Kitty Coin – A token that can be exchanged to reset talent points, purchase dice rolls, or used as a trading item with spawn merchants.
- Luminator – A tool which can be used to place and edit light blocks.
- Magnifying Glass – A novelty item to scramble and unscramble sign text client-side.
- Magic Cape – An elytra that allows for hovering and creative-like flying over moderate ranges.
- Miner Helmet – A helmet that consumes experience to produce the night vision effect.
- Mobslayer – A three-tiered sword that combines multiple mutually-exclusive enchantments.
- Pirate Watergun – A ranged weapon that deals no damage but can launch enemies.
- Sealed Caveboy – A random handheld game that requires unwrapping.
- Scissors – A pair of unbreakable shears.
- Sneakers – A pair of boots that allow the wearer to run extremely fast.
- Scuba Helmet – A helmet that consumes experience to provide oxygen while underwater.
- Steel Tree Chopper – A two-tiered axe that can chop entire trees from the base.
- Structure Finder – A four-tiered compass used to locate generated structures.
- Unicorn Horn – A headpiece that provides a small amount of armor and additional speed.
- Witch Broom – A broom that can be mounted to fly.
- Yardstick – A building tool to measure distances between selected blocks.